Art of Conversation 0

Conversation: Learn to Listen

Making conversation in social situations, meetings, and get-togethers of all types can be very stressful.  Many times I’ve flown in for conventions, hoping that when I got to the hotel the night before,...

Dr. Martin Luther King - Vision! 0

The Importance of Vision

In his book, “Developing the Leader Within You,” John Maxwell touches on vision by writing,  “All great leaders possess two things:  one, they know where they are going and two, they are able to...

Believe in Someone 0

Believe in Someone

Words help.  What we say, how we say them and who we say them to, can have an impact that last for years.  Great mentors and coaches know this.  Motivation and passion are...

Hit the bullseye! Don't Try, Just Do it! 0

Don’t TRY! Do it!

When we try, we are showing effort.  That’s really not a bad thing.  But for some reason, the whole idea of trying has an incompleteness to it.  It tells us that we make...